Rocket League is right up our Alley!

2 min readJul 30, 2021

Earlier this week, we asked our LinkedIN followers — What’s the most competitive game of the three?

The choices were eFootball (PES), Madden and Rocket League.
As expected, the vast majority voted for Rocket League.

To be honest, it was also our favourite.

As our name — RawSkill — says: We stand for skill. That’s why we want our next game to be as competitive as possible.

During our research, it quickly became clear just how strong Rocket League is.

Every evening, about 800,000 players are online at the same time. More than half of them play in the competitive modes — i.e. ranked games. For us at RawSkill, that means roughly 400,000 players every night that are 100% in our target audience.

Both Madden and eFootball can’t hold a candle to it. But what else is there to say in favour of Rocket League? Here are some important points:

Since last summer, Rocket League has been absolutely free. This has increased the game’s player base and the hurdle to try it out has disappeared.

Rocket League offers crossplay. This means we are not tied to one system, but can offer tournaments on all platforms for the first time. Switch, PC, PlayStation? It doesn’t matter.

Our research also showed: Anyone can play Rocket League.
Over 80% of all players have a rank higher than Gold.
The game is easy to learn — hard to master.

What do you think?
After years, is Rocket League finally really booming & what does the future hold for the game in eSports?

