Uber Eats x RawSkill

3 min readOct 26, 2021


🎮Play — 🍔Eat — 🔁Repeat

Read in today’s blog article, what we have organised together with Uber Eats in the way of a branded Uber Eats FIFA Cup 🎮🏆

Our aim was to cross target an audience that’s tech affine and wants to game while ordering food. Hence, our community (18–25 years old, male, tech-oriented) seemed to be a good fit.👨🏻‍💻

We designed a strategy that would leverage on the gaming community and our joint interest’s.
Since Uber Eats is currently only available in selected cities within Germany, we had to discover ways to advertise especially in these locations.🏙



We have decided to hold a big €500 FIFA tournament in our unique leaderboard format. 🏆📲

In order to attract as many participants as possible, entry was completely free.

A banner in our app took users to Uber Eats where they could use a 15€ voucher on their 1st order. 🍔🍟


In order to advertise for the cup and Uber Eats, we have sourced streamers from cities that the app is available in.

During the live streams, the streamers:
• Participated in the cup
• Ordered food live from the app showcasing the product
• Portrayed how convenient it is to just hang out on the couch, game and order food! 🏄🏻‍♂️

Our graphics team designed transitions that ran through the stream every 20min along with a chatbot that offered the promotion to the viewers. 👨🏻‍🎨

Overall, we were able to achieve extremely good results here. Live streams are well received by the community and encourage participation as a whole.
The prize-pool creates the needed buzz and makes it even easier for our streamers to promote it in an authentic and natural way. 🏆💸


Furthermore, we collaborated with numerous Tiktok, Instagram & Twitter Influencer’s who delivered funny content around the Cup.

Tiktok’s userbase especially fit’s the user profile that we wanted to target for Uber Eats and our cups brilliantly. Rolling out the content organically to the right people who are interested in gaming & tech. 🎮🕺🏻

In the way of our own channels, we have created content that invited our community to engage as well. Here we posted content that creates:
1️⃣ awareness/engagement
2️⃣ explains the promotion
3️⃣ calls to action

🎬 Upshot

More Uber Eats Cups to come!

💌 Interested in hosting your own FIFA cup?

🎤 Drop us a line: info@rawskill.gg

