Why Payment Providers Should Sponsor FIFA Esports Events

3 min readMar 30, 2023

Exploring the Opportunities and Benefits 👍

As the world of esports continues to grow and attract more fans and players, it presents a unique opportunity for payment providers to explore new ways to connect with their customers. One way to do this is by sponsoring FIFA esports events, which have become some of the most popular competitive gaming events in recent years. In this article, we’ll explore why payment providers should consider sponsoring FIFA esports events, how they can integrate into the esports community, and what budget they should consider to get started.


Connecting with Young Consumers 🎮

Firstly, sponsoring FIFA esports events presents a unique opportunity for payment providers to increase their brand awareness among a young and tech-savvy audience. As esports continues to gain more mainstream attention, it’s becoming an increasingly important way for brands to connect with younger audiences who are less likely to watch traditional television or engage with traditional advertising methods. By sponsoring FIFA esports events, payment providers can tap into this growing market and increase their visibility among a new generation of consumers.

Building a Tech-Savvy Reputation 👨‍💻

Secondly, sponsoring FIFA esports events can also help payment providers establish themselves as leaders in the tech and gaming industries. By aligning themselves with a popular esports event, payment providers can position themselves as companies that understand the needs and interests of young consumers. This can help them to build a reputation as forward-thinking companies that are willing to innovate and adapt to new trends.


Engaging with the FIFA Esports Community 👬

Thirdly, integrating into the FIFA esports community is relatively easy and cost-effective. Payment providers can start by creating a branded esports team or sponsoring an existing team. They can also provide prizes or sponsorships for individual esports players, or sponsor a FIFA esports tournament. The key is to find ways to engage with the community in a way that feels natural and authentic. By doing so, payment providers can build relationships with gamers and establish themselves as trusted partners in the esports ecosystem.

Don’t worry about the budget 💸

Finally, when it comes to budget, payment providers can start small and gradually increase their investment as they see results. For example, they can start by sponsoring a local FIFA esports tournament or team, or providing prizes for a small online event. As they gain more experience and see the impact of their sponsorship, they can gradually increase their investment in larger events and more established esports teams.

In conclusion, sponsoring FIFA esports events presents a unique opportunity for payment providers to connect with a new generation of consumers and establish themselves as leaders in the tech and gaming industries. By integrating into the FIFA esports community in an authentic and natural way, payment providers can build relationships with gamers and establish themselves as trusted partners in the esports ecosystem. With a relatively small budget, payment providers can start exploring this exciting new market and potentially reap significant rewards in the years to come.

📬 If you’re interested in learning more about how payment providers can benefit from sponsoring FIFA esports events, or if you have any questions about esports sponsorship in general, please feel free to reach out to us at robert@rawskill.gg. We’d be happy to provide you with more information and help you get started on your esports sponsorship journey.

